Vice chair Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust/School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended 0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended 0
apologies 0
Ann-Marie Connolly - Foundation Governor
Term of office:
01/05/24 - 30/04/28
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Organisation I have no interests to declare
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended 3
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 2
meetings attended 2
apologies 0
Mary Ellerby - Foundation Governor
Term of office:
01/12/22 - 30/11/26
I am Secretary for the St Vincent De Paul Organisation in the St Philip Neri Parish Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Organisation.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 2
meetings attended 3
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended 5
apologies 1
Amanda Keijzer - Parent Governor
Term of office:
31/03/21 - 31/03/25
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Organisation. I have a grandchild at the school.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended 3
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 5
meetings attended 4
apologies 5
Amanda Nother - Foundation Governor - Vice Chair of Governors
Term of office:
01/11/11 - 31/10/25
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust/School
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended 3
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended 3
apologies 2
Glenn Strouther - Parent Governor
Term of office:
11/11/24 - 10/11/28
Schools Advisory Service - School Insurance - previous employer 2018-2020
Education & Mutual - Absence Cover & Healthcare privider - employee - 3/9/2018 to present
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 2
meetings attended 1
apologies 1
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended 5
apologies 1
Company / Charity / Inst.
Education Mutual
Nature of business
Staff Absence Cover
Nature of Interest
employee of a potential supplier
Date Interest began
Nikki Tonks - Foundation Governor
Term of office:
01/11/20 - 31/10/28
Chair of PTA, SPA Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended 3
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended 5
apologies 1
Maureen Tunney - Chair of Governors - Chair of Governors
Term of office:
01/12/15 - 30/11/27
Chair of Governors (September 2018) Foundation Governor Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust/School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended 3
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended 6
apologies 0