Lucy Chapman - Foundation Governor    
Term of office:
01/04/22 - 31/03/26
Lay Chaplain at St Peter’s and St Martin’s
I currently have no financial business interest with the organisation.
I have a daughter at St Peter’s and I currently work 1.5 days over 2 weeks at St Peter’s.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended  2
apologies 2
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 5
meetings attended  1
apologies 2
James Dewis - Parent Governor    
Term of office:
01/01/21 - 31/12/24
My wife works as a teaching assistant in the early years class.
My wife works as a Teaching assistant at St Peters Primary Earl Shilton
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 5
meetings attended  3
apologies 0
Emma Dewis - Parent Governor    
Term of office:
01/09/18 - 31/08/22
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the trust/school
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Olivia McClure - Parent Governor    
Term of office:
01/01/21 - 31/12/24
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Organisation. Please read the guidance notes (Academies) (Maintained)  ...   I have read the guidance notes  If you have declared any interests please complete all fields here for the most significant one  Company / Charity / Institution  Nature of business  Nature of Interest  Date Interest began  NOTE: If you have a number of interests please list them in the main Business Interests box, reserving the most sign
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Zoe Morgan - Chair of Governors - Chair of Governors   
Term of office:
01/12/16 - 30/11/24
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Organisation.
I have two children that attend St. Martin's Catholic Academy in Stoke Golding.
Chair of the Governors
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended  4
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 5
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Company / Charity / Inst. NA
Nature of business NA
Nature of Interest NA
Date Interest began 19/09/2023
Daniele Pagliari - Foundation Governor    
Term of office:
01/04/16 - 31/03/24
My wife is employed as a class teacher at the school
I have 1 child at the school
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended  2
apologies 2
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 4
meetings attended  2
apologies 1
Company / Charity / Inst. St Peter’s Primary Earl Shilton
Nature of business Teaching
Nature of Interest My wife is employed as a class teacher at the school
Date Interest began 08/01/2018
Timothy Underwood - Foundation Governor    
Term of office:
01/01/16 - 31/12/23
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust/School
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended  2
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 5
meetings attended  4
apologies 1
Libbi Wood - Foundation Governor    
Term of office:
01/02/21 - 31/03/24
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust/School.
Foster daughter attends St. Martin's Academy, Stoke Golding, currently in Year 11.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 4
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 5
meetings attended  0
apologies 0