Catherine Danaher - Foundation Governor    
Term of office:
01/09/24 - 31/08/28
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 2
meetings attended  1
apologies 1
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Company / Charity / Inst. Danaher and Walsh Limited
Nature of business Civil engineering
Nature of Interest I hold a small number of shares (less than 10%)si
Date Interest began 19/01/2023
Nadine Dsouza - Foundation Governor    
Term of office:
01/11/23 - 31/10/27
I have no financial business related involvement with the Organisation
My Child is in year 6
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 2
meetings attended  0
apologies 1
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 5
meetings attended  3
apologies 1
Dirk George - Chair of Governors - Chair of Governors   
Term of office:
01/03/17 - 28/02/25
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Organisation
My daughter Aoife George is a pupil at St.Patrick's school.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 2
meetings attended  2
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended  4
apologies 1
Hema Patel - Parent Governor    
Term of office:
31/01/23 - 31/01/27
Parent Governor currently I have no financial business related invovlement with the orgnaisation
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 2
meetings attended  2
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended  4
apologies 2
Donita Thakore - Foundation Governor    
Term of office:
10/10/20 - 30/11/28
SEND governor
No business interests /Parents Governor/my kids studies in this school (St Patrick's school)
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  0
apologies 1
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended  4
apologies 2