Paul Eckley - Chief Executive Officer    
Term of office:
01/05/17 -
I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust.
I have no non pecuniary interests related to the Trust.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 11
meetings attended  7
apologies 1
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 24
meetings attended  19
apologies 2
Company / Charity / Inst. None
Nature of business N/A
Nature of Interest N/A
Date Interest began
Lisa-Marie Flynn -    
Term of office:
01/09/19 -
No financial business interest
I have no non-pecuniary interests with the Trust and I'm not related to the Director named Ian McGrath
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 4
meetings attended  3
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended  6
apologies 1
Ian Green -    
Term of office:
01/05/18 -
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust.
I have a family member employed by New Park Academy.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Company / Charity / Inst. The Sovereign Trust
Nature of business Education
Nature of Interest Employee
Date Interest began 01/09/2020
Lisa Hughes -    
Term of office:
24/05/19 -
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust
one declaration - supplier/contractor family member Have no financial gain or influence on the company
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 7
meetings attended  7
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 14
meetings attended  15
apologies 1
Company / Charity / Inst. CS Services
Nature of business Grounds Maintenance
Nature of Interest Brother is proprietor
Date Interest began 01/01/2000
Amber Ibrahim -    
Term of office:
30/04/20 -
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Organisation
I have no non-pecuniary interests with the Trust
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 4
meetings attended  2
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 10
meetings attended  7
apologies 0