Sarah Anderson - AAC committee member    
Term of office:
02/12/19 - 02/12/23
I currently hold a position of employment by the school.
I have no non pecuniary interests with the School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Claire Brown - Clerk    
Term of office:
04/11/24 -
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust/School.
Currently I have no Non pecuniary Interests related involvement with the Trust/School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Phil Buckley - Clerk    
Term of office:
27/01/21 - 17/03/23
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust/School.
Currently I have no Non pecuniary Interests related involvement with the Trust/School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Andrew Goodier - AAC committee member    
Term of office:
11/02/21 - 11/02/25
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the School.
I have no non pecuniary interests with the School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended  2
apologies 0
Company / Charity / Inst. N/A
Nature of business N/A
Nature of Interest N/A
Date Interest began
Carmen Gornall - Staff Governor    
Term of office:
12/11/18 - 01/11/22
Assistant Head, SENCo, Parent, Communication and KS1 coordinator
I currently hold a position of employment by the school.
I have no non pecuniary interests with the School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Paula Higginson - AAC committee member - Chair of Governors   
Term of office:
01/09/24 - 01/09/28
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust/School.
I have a child at Pictor Academy who finishes in July 2023
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Company / Charity / Inst. NA
Nature of business NA
Nature of Interest NA
Date Interest began
Olga Kharevskaya - Chair of Governors - Chair of Governors   
Term of office:
05/03/18 - 05/03/22
A chair for Advisory Committee for Pictor Academy.
No business interests or conflict of interest
I have no non pecuniary interests with the School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Yasmin Laher - AAC committee member    
Term of office:
26/03/19 - 26/03/23
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the School.
I have a child at the School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Karen Larsen - Staff Governor    
Term of office:
01/09/24 - 01/09/28
I currently hold a position of employment by the school.
I have no non pecuniary interests with the School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Anna Leyden - Parent Governor    
Term of office:
01/09/24 - 01/09/28
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the School.
I have a child at the school
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended  1
apologies 1
Richard Longden - AAC committee member    
Term of office:
11/02/21 - 31/10/22
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the School.
I have no non pecuniary interests with the School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Nasreen Longden - Parent Governor    
Term of office:
21/06/23 - 21/06/26
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust
Currently I have no non pecuniary interests related to the Trust
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
K Parkinson - AAC committee member    
Term of office:
06/03/23 - 05/03/27
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the School.
I have no non pecuniary interests with the School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended  3
apologies 0
Jessica Porter - Parent Governor    
Term of office:
21/06/23 - 21/06/26
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust
Currently I have no non pecuniary interests related to the Trust
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  0
apologies 1
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Susie Roberts - Staff Governor    
Term of office:
19/03/19 - 14/09/21
I currently hold a position of employment by the school.
I have no non pecuniary interests with the School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0
Neil Rochford - AAC committee member    
Term of office:
11/02/21 - 11/02/25
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the School.
I have no non pecuniary interests with the School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Lee Slater - Staff Governor    
Term of office:
01/02/23 - 01/02/27
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Trust
Currently I have no non pecuniary interests related to the Trust
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 1
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended  3
apologies 0
Andrew Taylor - Headteacher    
Term of office:
07/02/23 - 07/02/27
I am the Executive Head of Pictor Academy.
I have no non pecuniary interests with the School.
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 3
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 6
meetings attended  4
apologies 2
Joanna Williams - Headteacher    
Term of office:
01/09/24 - 01/09/28
Currently I have no financial business related involvement with the Organisation.
Currently I have no Non pecuniary Interests related involvement with the Trust / School
All Trust/School meetings:
This academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  1
apologies 0
Last academic year:
meeting invitations 0
meetings attended  0
apologies 0